- Work-Life-Bloom by Dan Pontefract
“Work-Life-Bloom is a refreshing take on realizing one’s full potential not only in the workplace but outside as well. For leaders it provides impactful guidance on how to help support and nurture their team members to allow them to flourish.” – Shane Baetz, vice president and head of shared services, Transcom
- The Experience Mindset by Tiffani Bova
“The world of work is rapidly evolving. The old adage remains true: a bend in the road is not an end in the road, unless you fail to make the turn. The sharp turn organizations need to make is to recognize the critical importance of employee experience (and its subparts, including applicant experience, learner experience, etc). This book lays out a cogent and compelling case that there is a major bend in the road and why organizations need to make the turn.” – Joseph Thompson, talent transformation strategist, Booz Allen Hamilton
- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
“It is a fascinating read on systems and structures, it suggests how somethings do not merely withstand a shock but thrive under stress and uncertainty.” – Ruchi Bhalla, global vice president of talent management, Pitney Bowes
“This podcast focuses on employee mobility, building skills/capacity and well-being. It highlights strategies for nurturing a regenerative work culture, emphasizing the need for a compelling vision, agility and effective storytelling in leadership.” — Recommended by Matthew Neylon, chief talent and experience officer, The Mount Vernon School
“Learn about foundational and more advanced practices and approaches to leading the people function. Each episode has a concrete and immediately applicable take away that I can use in my day-to-day work.” – Caitlin Kamm, director of people growth, Envoy
What’s top of mind for talent professionals these days?
“Succession planning is top of mind for me and a trend within the private sector. Many of our employees have retired early during the pandemic and several are scheduled to retire within the next two years. This exodus of talent will leave us with talent voids that need to be filled seamlessly.” – Tammy McIntyre, director of talent management and development, Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
“Top of mind moving forward is talent retention, skills acquisition and DEIB. We are focusing on lateral skills growth rather than upward mobility given that organizations are moving to flatter structures generally in this down market. We are also doubling down on inclusion and belonging to drive engagement so all feel welcome and bought into a culture of excellence.” – Caitlin Kamm, director of people growth, Envoy
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