The Week That Was, September 5-9

These were the top five stories on for the week of September 5.

Nice Large scale Original abstract Oil Painting On CanvasHere were the top five stories on for the week of September 5.

  1. 3 Unconscious Habits Eroding Employee EngagementBeware contradicting expectations, opposing leadership styles and disconnected values. They are the death knell to employee engagement in the workplace.
  2. Employees Really Do Leave Managers. Use L&D to Change ThatWith some strategic learning and development help, managers can increase employee engagement, collaboration – and reduce their own work loads.
  3. How to Develop a Lean Managerial MindsetLeaders can add value for customers and improve employee engagement by declogging congested workflows and reducing business waste.
  4. From Three Days in a Class to 30 Seconds on a SmartphoneChange is happening whether you’re ready for it or not. So, prepare to reimagine corporate learning for the digital business.
  5. 3 Big Myths About Workplace LearningMost of the diehard learning myths that linger in today’s companies just aren’t true. For instance, employees do have time for learning — if it helps them do their jobs better or advances their careers.