Charlotte, N.C. — April 9
Rsumfit’s “next gen” resume brings important benefits to candidates and their prospective employers.
The “next gen” resume gives candidates the opportunity to identify themselves as being qualified and therefore worthy of serious review specific to the job for which they’re applying, and it gives employers the ability to make more well-informed candidate selection decisions.
Standard, traditional resumes are inherently untrustworthy, which is well-known by anyone who processes resumes.
The big issue is not what information to include in a resume — many employers already are collecting this information at their career Web sites, causing candidates to basically complete the same application process over and over again at each career portal they visit.
Rsumfit’s Web-based Digitally Signed Integrated Evidentiary Resume System (Dig-Sig IERS) is a comprehensive resume system that offers candidates:
- The ability to represent themselves best with critical scientific content such as workplace competencies and workplace personality information.
- Candidate fit indexes that provides the opportunity to identify themselves as being qualified and therefore worthy of serious review specific to the job for which they’re applying.
- An automatically generated comprehensive Web portfolio.
- A Word document that is HR-XML parser-friendly for increased computer parsing precision.
The biggest problem, though, is how candidates can insert critical content from a trustworthy source into their Word document and ensure the information is not edited or altered.
Data integrity, trustworthiness and seamless integration into today’s hiring processes are key issues.
Rsumfit’s digital certificate from VeriSign is used to sign every Dig-Sig IERS.
If R-sum-fit’s digital signature is on the Word document, you can trust that it came from R-sum-fit and that the the candidate hasn’t altered or edited the resume.