Chicago — Feb. 6
KnowledgeAdvisors has published a new white paper, “Human Capital Analytics: Measuring the People Process from Recruitment to Retirement.”
The white paper’s model, “Human Capital Process Classification Scheme,” is based on the Universal Process Classification Scheme developed in 1992 by the American Productivity and Quality Center’s (APQC) International Benchmarking Clearinghouse.
The model classifies four main processes and 18 subprocesses that all organizations use to assess the completeness of their human capital management efforts.
The human capital measurement process flow accompanies the process classification scheme and provides guidance on the tools needed to manage human capital/talent management processes.
“We consistently hear from professionals within the human resources function about the difficulties they experience trying to get a handle on the effectiveness of the processes they employ to manage their organization’s talent,” said Kent D. Barnett, KnowledgeAdvisors CEO. “The model we have developed in this white paper helps identify those processes in common language and offers strategic and tactical benefits of applying measurement standards to those processes.”