Choosing an LMS: Taking Architecture Into Account
When chief learning officers are making decisions around learning management systems, it is important to take the company’s existing technology into account.
The Other 80 Percent: Increasing Workforce Productivity
If you’re getting increasingly curious about how to increase employee productivity these days, when most people are asking only about how to cut costs, that’s a good sign. Research has shown that a simple 1 percent increase in productivity typically produ
Organizing Enterprise-Wide E-Learning and Human Capital Management
In this global and hyper-competitive knowledge economy, the real value of a chief learning officer is not his or her expertise in learning or leadership development or even technology—it is rather the ability to link such things to an overall enterprise-w
Negotiating an LMS Contract: Traps and Pitfalls
Purchasing a learning management system (LMS) or a hosted LMS contract is like entering into a long-term relationship. However, the initial negotiations often tend to be oriented toward annual contracts. It actually takes about three years to inculcate th
Compliance: What CLOs Should Know
By now, it is a cliché to say that the rise of the Internet, e-mail and World Wide Web a decade ago revolutionized virtually every field of human endeavor. During the first half of that decade, early adopters experienced problems that today
Case Studies in the ROI of Training
Determining the return on investment (ROI) for training programs can be one of the most difficult, yet necessary, responsibilities of the chief learning officer. Senior management wants to know that its investment in training is contributing to the succes
Working Wise, Working Together
You don’t need me to tell you that collaboration is key to your way of doing business. That’s a lesson that most of us learned early in our careers, and I’d wager learning executives like yourselves were early adopters. Executives and managers all interac
Realizing the ‘Value Imperative’
Be at the planning table. Demonstrate business impact. Increase shareholder value. Impact the balanced scorecard. These are the words I continue to hear from the leaders of learning and development. Wall Street expects companies to grow their profitabilit
E-Learning Drives Growth at First Data
Corporations attempting to implement aggressive revenue growth goals find it necessary to work powerfully from within to implement the changes that will bring these goals to reality. Creating change, managing change, directing change—these are the actions
Development as a Retention Tool
In today’s volatile economy, corporations are continually looking for innovative ways to enhance shareholder value and improve bottom-line results. While there have been a variety of strategies implemented to achieve these goals, successful organizations