We often complain that we don’t have a seat at the table. And yet, we’re still responding to training requests and showing our value through Kirkpatrick Levels of Evaluation. The business doesn’t care about HR metrics, they care about us solving business problems. This session is designed to help you position yourself as a business executive who does just that ― solves business challenges ― just through people.
In this session we will learn to separate symptoms from problems so we can help design impactful, sustainable and measurable solutions to everyday business challenges.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn to separate symptoms from problems so we can identify all the variables impacting a successful outcome.
• Use a medical model to help diagnose and determine the root cause(s) of a business challenge.
• Leave with a framework that may be used immediately in your business.
• Gain the confidence to transition from transactional band-aid approaches to a more strategic mindset that truly solves business challenges.